There are literally thousands of ideas available for home based businesses. Most people have a difficult time deciding what is right for them and also evaluating which one of the many thousands of opportunities that are available will be the right one for them. We will cover a few of the methods that many entrepreneurs use to help them decide which opportunity they will pursue.
If you are a frequent online internet surfer, you probably have come across many different advertisements for online businesses that you can run from the comfort of your home with only a few hours a day of investment to generate hundreds if not thousands of dollars per week. While there may be several nuggets out there, the general rule of thumb is that, you get what you pay for, still applies. If you invested little, chances are your income will be commensurate with your investment. So what do you do to assess these various opportunities for home businesses?
The basics include a realistic assessment of your revenue and also your costs to generate a net revenue statement of income that is available to you for other purposes. Evaluating potential revenue income means that you will need to understand in some detail how you will produce, sell, advertise and close sales relative to your home based business idea. Many advertisements for home based businesses on the internet advertise a package for a relatively small price, which will explain the concept and show you how to earn hundreds or thousands per week. Before you even take this initial step, you need to learn as much as possible about the business concept.
Check out blogs on the internet, complete various searches on the topic, read other web site material and build an information data base that you can utilize for your assessment. Build a spreadsheet that estimates sales per week, advertising etc. Most importantly develop a plan that you will carry out that focuses on generating and meeting the revenue targets that you have set for your self. As you go through this exercise, you will also uncover any costs of getting started as well as ongoing costs. These figures can also be entered into your spreadsheet in the cost section for later calculation of your net revenue.
When you have completed your evaluation and generated your net revenue statement there are still two more steps to complete before you decide to go ahead with your new home based business idea. First, ask yourself is this a realistic plan? Can I live on the net revenue that will be generated from this business? Is this what I want to do or are there other more attractive and interesting opportunities? The second question will assist in answering the first. Complete a sensitivity analysis. Decrease your revenue expectations by 25% and increase your costs for both getting started and ongoing by 25%. Ask yourself if this is still an interesting and profitable business to get involved with?
Once you have completed these steps, you should be ready to make an informed decision about any home based business idea that you are assessing.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Getting Started With A Home Based Business Idea
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9:43 AM
Labels: business idea, good tips, start business
Friday, March 23, 2007
Getting An Idea For The Perfect Business
So you have an idea for a new business, but you are not sure it will work? How do you go about finding out if this business will be a success? Just about everybody has a business idea of some kind, but not everyone has the know how to make that business idea take off. When you want to start your own business, you need to look for something that people want - whether it is a product or a service. Then you have to research the demand for the product as well as scout out the amount of competition that exists in this area.
Let's say that you want to start a day care business. Are there any parents in your immediate vicinity that are having difficulty getting babysitters? If there are, then you can start a day care in your own home. If there are several centers in the area, you might still be able to start this type of business by offering lower rates. You do have to check out what licences you need for a day care center and to get the proper authorization so that you won't get in trouble.
If you have a particular talent and you know that people do want your services, then you have the perfect opportunity for starting your business. Some businesses do not require much money, but for those that do, you will need to have a sound business plan in place before you approach the bank to borrow funds. Lenders need to make sure that you do have a good plan for your business before they will approve your business plan. If you are not sure about how to complete this part of the process, there are businesses that will help you develop your plan - for a fee of course, since this is their business.
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: business idea, good tips
Monday, March 19, 2007
Mad Business Idea #3: Aquarium, Which Like a Picture
You like aquariums? Scott Yen from took aquarium and mounted it on the wall, look like a picture. In 2003 his company sells it more then $1.5 millon.
I thinking, this is superb business idea. Originally and luxury.
Posted by
2:05 AM
Labels: aquarium, business idea, successful business
Business Tip: Create Luxury Things
Did you watch a last movie a last movie about James Bond? An excellent movie! Do you like James Bond’s car – Aston Martin. Would you like this car? I would like to :-) By the way, this car costs more than $200.000. Do you really think, that the cost of one car production is $200.000 ? Not, of course. The major part of the price is advertising and profit.
But rich people bought Aston Martin’s cars because it is very prestige. These people aren’t interested in price of repair and maintenance. Everybody wants to be like James Bond!
Think about it. If your business idea is to create luxurious things, you will be able to earn more. What are the luxurious things? For example these things may be used for home comfort, furniture, interior, original clothing ant etc. I write some business ideas in my blog. No doubt, the thing should be original, which is not available everywhere. My next blog about an original luxurious thing.
Posted by
12:55 AM
Labels: aston martin, business idea, good tips, james bond, luxury things
Friday, March 16, 2007
Mad Business Idea #2
A woman from sells lady's bags made of auto seat belts. She has already sold more than 1,000. They look pretty.
The idea is original, isn't it?
Posted by
11:20 AM
Labels: business idea, successful business
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Original Bisness Idea: $ 700,000 in four years
Do not look for difficult ways. Your business idea may be simple. Very simple. Simple than you can imagine. I collect successful business ideas, and I shall write about them in my blog.
Mad business idea # 1
A Man from thought to sell a lamp in the form of women's legs. He saw this idea in a a movie. During four years he earned more than $ 700,000.
Do not look for difficult ways!
Posted by
10:37 AM
Labels: business idea, successful business
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Three Main Rules of Successful Business
No matter what you sell, what business you are doing. No matter how you sell, through the internet, in a shop or on the phone. Always follow the essence of a successful business - learn to sell myself. People do not buy your product just because they like it. They buy your product because they like you and your company. If people do not like you, or your company, they will never purchase your product.
The first rule - learn to sell myself.
If you will believe in yourselves, then people will respect you regardless of what you sell. You need to look like a professional, and communicate with buyers as a professional. Your customers need to be sure that you not only know what you sell, but use the same products for the rest of your life.
The second rule - believe in yourself and what you sell.
Make sure you have a plan, and you should follow it. Even if you have a few customers, you need to move forward and not give up. Over time, you will be a lot of loyal customers, they will bring success. You must work very hard. Good results will be achieved. Read the history of well-known and successful companies all have gone through the tests and failures, and you must also do so. As time passes and you will succeed.
The third rule - best sellers not to give up, they know what they are doing.
Posted by
1:06 AM
Labels: good tips, successful business
Monday, March 12, 2007
Think creativity! How to Find Bussines Idea
New unique business idea is not so easy to find. For many years, many people do business and earn money, fabricating a growing number of ways. Learn to look between the lines of reading stories of other people, learn to see the new in the old. Certainly, it is not so easy. The road to success is the unique thinking. Grow our way of thinking. Think creativity.
Listen to the story. In the 18th century in San Francisco lived businessman Samuel Brannan. Once, it was the hands of the golden sand. He was an excellent idea. The first case, he bought all shovels in San Francisco. He began to sell shovels in his store. He fled through the streets of golden sand in their hands and shouted : "Gold, gold, I found gold!" . Gold fever begain in the, and all have to buy shovels in the store. He earned 150 thousand dollars a month, and later became a senator the state of California.
Think creativity!
Posted by
9:21 AM
Labels: business idea, gold fever