Thursday, March 15, 2007

Original Bisness Idea: $ 700,000 in four years

Do not look for difficult ways. Your business idea may be simple. Very simple. Simple than you can imagine. I collect successful business ideas, and I shall write about them in my blog.

Mad business idea # 1

A Man from thought to sell a lamp in the form of women's legs. He saw this idea in a a movie. During four years he earned more than $ 700,000.

Do not look for difficult ways!


Anonymous said...

Amazing people will buy any old tat !
Lamps shaped like womens legs, unbelievably tacky, yet the guy is raking it in - and not even his original idea, just his idea to make a business of it.

(Still wouldn't mind all that money though!)

Annoynymous said...

The Today Show report said he grossed $700K last year --

Great blog, already had an idea come out of it - will update you when mine is ready to go.
